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5 Things I've Learned About Photography So Far this Summer...

5 Things I've Learned About Photography So Far this Summer...

It doesn't have to be sharp. I should be able to count the eyelashes in a portrait and if that's not the case, the eyes sure as heck better be in focus. But that's not really the case. One liberty that I have taken upon myself as an actual full-time small business owner is an artistic license. My photos don't have to be sharp. They just have to sell. And that's what I need to worry about. The client isn't going to strutinize your work with a magnifying glass. Neither should you. However, the eyes really should be sharp. I mean... come on.

Style changes... and that's a good thing. Your style will change over time. That's only natural with learning and trying new things within the trade. Trends are just that -- trends. They are not permanent. A new "next big thing" will replace them. So I've found it's beneficial to follow blogs and pages in order to stay informed. Most of the time, I learn something that will better my work in the process.

If you're not learning, you're not growing. Cliche, I know. But true! If I haven't learned something new this week to further my skill as a photographer and my business, then I'm only hurting myself and my business is suffering as well. You should always have another new idea or strategy that you're working on, because your competitors sure do.

Smile. Everyone sees it on your face. Your clients. Your assistants. The guests at your next big gig. They'll notice and that sets the mood for the entire environment. I guess it also have a lot to do with perspective. When I'm feeling like it's going to be a good shoot, it always is because I'm feeling positive about it. A smile helps me feel that way and also portray that feeling!

I love to edit. And network. And order prints. And... I've found it's one of many of my favorite parts of the job. Sitting down to a new batch of photos with a fresh coffee cup at my desk is one of the best feelings. I also love sharing those photos on networking sites, writing blogs about those photos, ordering prints of those photos, sharing those photos with our wonderful clients, and updating the portfolio with the best of those photos. I won't ramble too much about how much I love my job, but I do want to say, doing something you enjoy is one of the most satisfying feelings. You'll also find that when you do something you enjoy, you excel at it. Ain't that the truth? ;)

Coral rose bud vintage
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